The 333 Bucket Life Compass

As life happens, we all drift a bit away from living our best lives.  Resolutions falter.  Lost weight comes back.  Good habits slip away.  It's normal and natural.  We just need to have a system to get our ship back on course.

Every few months, we need to re-orient ourselves towards our happiness.

Because if YOU don't steer your own boat,

I guarantee you somebody else will!

So every 3 months we reset the course of your Life Compass.

Here's How!

Grab your journal, a piece of paper or even send an email to yourself.  Now, answer the following questions ... 

If you only had 3 WEEKS to live ...

What one thing would you do to be happier?

- What quick change that would put a smile on your face?

What one thing would you do to express the True U?

- What would you do to live a life true to yourself? 

What big step would you take toward your dreams?

- Remember, you're about to be done with this world.  You're FearLess.  Now, what would you attempt?

Let's take it out to the future a bit...

If you only had 3 MONTHS to live …

What one thing would you do to be happier?

What one thing would you do to express the True U?

What big step would you take toward your dreams?

And further out in time some more...

If you only had 3 YEARS to live …

What one thing would you do to be happier?

What one thing would you do to express the True U?

What big step would you take toward your dreams?

Put it all together and there you have it.  That’s your new life plan! 

Use these answers to guide your steps going forward.

(Assignment: Place a reminder Right Now in your calendar to realign your Life Compass by addressing these questions again in 3 months.  That will keep your life sailing in the right direction.  *** Stop here until you've answered the questions above and set a reminder for 3 months.)


Thanks for answering those 9 questions!  If you haven't, here is your last chance to step up to your new future.  Stop for a moment and answer the questions...  I promise we'll wait.

Now, look over your answers.  Do you see patterns?  Keep looking until you can see ways to incorporate your answers into your life.

Now, you can plan your life accordingly!  

Now, you've got the most important things in focus!  

Now, you can live your Bucket List Life!

-Greyson Hawe

Thanks so much for reading!

Share if you Dare!

Please begin this process right away and keep me updated on your progress below, especially how your life changes for the better following this system.

greyson hawe