Rocks in a Mason Jar: Big Rocks equal Living the Bucket Life!
Some people have thousands of weekends left, some have far less. We just don't know who is who.
Let's not let that thought frighten us.
Let it AWAKEN us!
Take another step toward your Bucket Life today!
Start FOCUSING your life around …
The things that are MOST Important to you.
The things you are MOST PASSIONATE about.
The things that you want to be remembered by.
These are the Big Rocks in your Mason Jar!
Think of your life as a Jar of Experiences.
When it’s full, it’s full.
In the end, we’ll only have so many experiences. We can fill our jar with big rocks, all the way down to sand.
The Big Rocks are the great experiences in your life.
Dream Vacations are Big Rocks.
Big Physical Achievements for Yourself are Big Rocks.
Family Life Moments are Big Rocks.
Sand is what most people use to fill up their experience jar.
Sand is watching the latest TV show.
Sand is eating unhealthy food, ... again.
Sand is wasting 2 hours a day on Facebook.
The Sand is killing us. It’s choking out the True You! Brush that Sand off!
There’s another huge benefit to starting with the Big Rocks ...
By taking up space with the good-sized rocks, naturally we'll have less time taken up by sand.
Don’t Worry! Sand will still get in. That’s okay. Just make sure the big rocks get in first!
Start now! Make this weekend count!
Choose One and commit to doing it this weekend:
Take one step towards Getting Healthier.
Do something to Be Happier.
(Note: Veteran Bucket Lifers need to commit to both)