Move On, Walk Away: Take a Step Toward Your Bucket List Life
Sometimes relationships go toxic. Sometimes you need to let it die.
When the time comes that the pain of staying,
becomes stronger
than the fear of leaving…
Have the strength to walk away.
You deserve better.
A better job.
A better relationship.
A better you!
So go after what you want. It's YOUR life, Not Anyone Else's!
You deserve soooooo
than just being 'tolerated'.
… But sometimes we get stuck. Afraid, confused, without a map.
So we stay with the pain, with the fear.
We stay in the darkness.
We confuse Predictability
for comfort.
for loyalty.
for love.
The Perceptions of Others
for reality.
"But I could end up alone".
but that might still be better.
Every step you take toward your bucket list life does 2 things immediately:
1. Every step will move you closer to your own light, your warmth. Getting closer to Your True You will motivate and empower you!
Just like getting closer to a your own campfire!
2. Every step will move you away from your unhappiness, away from the cold. Shaking off the dust, the chains, the doubts will lighten your load.
Dropping each shackle, will allow you to run faster, further.
I grant you the courage and strength to take your next step!
Don't wait until tomorrow!
Tomorrow is never promised to anyone!
When you're away from the doubters, the negativity,