Make a Daily DONE List! A Little Reflection will Keep you Motivated to Live your Bucket Life
It’s easy to feel like you’re getting nothing Done.
Getting nothing accomplished.
Feeling like the days are slipping away.
You have a never ending to-do list.
And no matter how many you scratch off, there’s always more, growing like a fungus.
That makes it hard to keep your eyes on the prize.
That makes it hard to stay motivated on Living your Bucket List.
During my six week power cleanse I last year for my health bucket list, I realized how much tracking my progress (daily photos) really helped me stay motivated.
So I recently wanted to start tracking my life in a new way.
Keeping a diary is hard for me.
I have a journal, but use it rarely.
So what's the answer?!
Well, I've recently found a powerful ally to those two, ...
The Done List!
<Here are some nice examples of Done Lists>
So every night, before I go to bed, I write down my ‘Dones’.
small ones.
Big accomplishments that may change my world AND small accomplishments I need to do to keep my world going.
Secret: Tracking the small things brings motivation 3 ways:
1. By Reminding you about the Small Wins.
2. By Reminding you to be Grateful for your wins (grateful people are motivated people!)
3. By Tracking the small things you are Tracking the BIG things.
“Enjoy the Little Things, for one day you may look back and realize THEY WERE the Big Things!”
The Uber-successful, Marc Andreessen uses his own variation of a Done List, ...
“Each time you do something, you get to write it down and you get that little RUSH of Endorphins that the mouse gets every time he presses the button in his cage and gets a food pellet.
And then at the end of the day, before you prepare tomorrow’s 3x5 card, take a look at today’s card and its Anti-Todo list and MARVEL at all the things you Actually Got Done that Day!”
For more information about Done Lists, check out this article:
Why ToDo Lists don't work and DONE Lists do!
I’m currently using the free version of iDoneThis to stay motivated as I focus on my bucket list life.