Choose Yourself First: You Deserve to Live a Healthy Bucket Life
People often say they 'deserve' a snack.
They ‘deserve’ to eat dessert.
They ‘deserve’ to treat themselves horribly.
Rarely do they say, ‘I deserve to be healthy.’
‘I deserve to look better in the mirror.’
‘I deserve to be happier with my body.’
But you do!
You do deserve a chance to feel great about yourself!
You do deserve a chance to be proud of your body!
Every time you choose healthy food over crap,
you get stronger inside and out.
It'll fill you with pride and power.
And the more power in you, the more you can help yourself and others.
Every time you choose yourself over sugar and wheat …
You chose a Better Future.
(Besides, sugar and wheat suck. They're terrible friends)